The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Download all the radio programs of the series “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit” (mp3-zip – 10 files – 44 MO). The Holy Spirit: the Third Person of the Trinity (1)The Holy Spirit: the Third Person of the Trinity (2)The Holy Spirit is God (1)The Holy Spirit is God (2)The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (1)The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (2)The Work of the Holy Spirit (1)The Work of the Holy Spirit (2)The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (1)The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (2)
Jesus Christ: Savior of the world Attachments Jesus Christ: Savior of the world (ERROR)
Jesus Christ: Son of God Attachments Jesus Christ: Son of God (ERROR)
The ministry of John the Baptist Attachments The ministry of John the Baptist (ERROR)
The birth of John the Baptist Attachments The birth of John the Baptist (ERROR)
Zechariah and Elizabeth: the parents of John the Baptist (2) Attachments Zechariah and Elizabeth: the parents of John the Baptist (2) (ERROR)
Zechariah and Elizabeth: the parents of John the Baptist (1) Attachments Zechariah and Elizabeth: the parents of John the Baptist (1) (ERROR)
Between the Old and New Testaments: God’s promise to send his messenger before him Attachments Between the Old and New Testaments: God's promise to send his messenger before him (ERROR)
Daniel’s faith as his jealous ennemis try to tempt him Attachments Daniel's faith as his jealous ennemis try to tempt him (ERROR)
The pride of Belshazzar and the end of the kingdom of Babylon Attachments The pride of Belshazzar and the end of the kingdom of Babylon (ERROR)